How to organize a small space?

Comment aménager un petit espace ?

Whether you have or live in a small space, it is always very complicated to optimize a small area. Settling for a small area for whatever reason is bad enough, so if you're struggling to gain space, you get frustrated very quickly. But don't panic, each problem has its solution.

Favor multifunction furniture, thanks to its storage capacities, it will allow you to store your belongings while saving as much space as possible. Several models are available such as the black foldable desk or the computer desk with integrated shelves. He's going to be your best friend, I guarantee it.

(Source: CozyFurniture)

Playing on XXL decoration, indeed, despite your small space, integrating decorative objects or a large mirror on the wall makes your room look bigger. In addition to being very aesthetic, the choice of furnishings plays a major role, such as the mirror, which is a good alternative, it will give you the impression of having more rooms.

( Source: Furniture Morinière )

Opting for a minimalist and refined decor, in addition to having become a timeless trend, having a simple home will give the impression of a larger room without clutter. The style of your furniture (such as Scandinavian style) will allow you to save space, a good way of optical effect for the eyes.

( Source: )

Adopt light color hues, soft hues make the space appear larger by absorbing light. Light walls will give you the illusion of a large room by lighting up the room. Choose colors such as white, beige, linen that give the impression of pushing the walls away.

(Source: CozyFurniture)

The height of the ceiling is very important and should not be overlooked. If you have a high ceiling, don't hesitate to use it, it can help you arrange storage above. Depending on the height, you can distribute your belongings or even add a small room.

(Source: Maison à Part)

You will see that with his simple advice, but which may seem long to apply (I assure you they are not). You will optimize your space to the maximum without breaking the bank and creating your home that looks like you.